Abstracted from Wiki:

珠海市十分重视教育,尤其是香洲区更作为抓各项实际的重要举措,教育均衡发展。几乎全部都是优等学校,信息化水平、等级化领先,大力实行就近入学政策,学校划片区就读。以香洲区为例,该区有中小学70多所,其中公办的45所。2009年9月10日珠海香洲区成为全国首个系统对校舍安全检测行政区[参 38]。截至2018年,珠海的省重点高中有5所:珠海市第一中学、珠海市第二中学、珠海市斗门区第一中学、珠海市实验中学及北京师范大学附属中学。

珠海市为全市约15万学生提供12年免费教育,小学到普通高中学费全免。珠海的高中生只收书本费,珠海本地户口、代耕农、优秀外来务工人员子女的小学与初中生免收书本费。目前珠海中招有三类生源:统招生与指标生(指标生仅限于省重点高中,分配60-70%高中入学名额到各个初中。除中考成绩外,其招生形式与统招生一致)、择校生(择校费一般为30000元人民币)、特长生。2015年起珠海市公办普通高中取消择校生制度[参 39]。珠海有三类中学,分别是初中、高中、完全中学(珠海市第四中学)。珠海2013年底统计的各类在校生数占常住人口的比例为24.02%,大比例超越珠三角其他地区,高出第二名广州市4个百分点。2013年,全市参加高考人数超过15000人,占全省参加高考人数的2%;2013年全市参加中考人数超过20000人[参 40]。


Zhuhai, means " The Sea of Pearl"

Zhuhai city, As one of China's first special economic zones, the city has always prioritized ecological development, boasting one of the best environments in China. 

It is situated in the southwest of the Pearl River Delta of Guangdong Province. It faces Hong Kong on the east across the Lingding Ocean, Macau on the south, Xinhui and Taishan on the west, and Zhongshan on the north. Zhuhai was one of the original Special Economic Zones established in the 1980s.

It covers a total area of 7,640 square kilometers, among which 1,640 square kilometers are land. There are great varieties of land form such as hills, plains, lakes and sea. It has a long coastline of 731 kilometers. It has altogether 146 islands in the South China Sea with a total area of 236.9 square kilometers. It is thus known as "the city of hundred islands". 

There are over 70 elementary, middle schools and high schools in Zhuhai, total number exceeds 150,000 students in recent years. 


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